Helping you get your UAV off the ground

Drone Legal Group, PLLC

Author: DLG Admin Page 1 of 2

Drones and Medical Supplies

Drones are opening new frontiers in so many fields. In addition to acting as flying weapons, and potentially delivering pizza or the latest popular fidget toy from Amazon, drones are delivering healthcare supplies to patients and communities that otherwise might have to wait days or weeks or longer for such materials:

Three Drone Companies to Invest In

According to the Motley Fool, these are the three drone companies you should invest in today! 1. AeroVironment (NASDAQ:AVAV), 2 Boeing (NYSE:BA), and 3. Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC). Read more at

Please note DLG does not endorse or support the advice or recommendation(s) provided by the Motley Fool, or endorse or advise the purchase of these securities or any others, or provide any financial or investing advice of any kind.

BIG BIG NEWS: Court invalidates FAA registration requirement for recreational and hobby drone users

A federal court in D.C.  struck down the FAA rule requiring owners of drones used for recreational and hobby purposes to register their craft. Read more at

Commercial Drone pilots needed! Do I need to go to school for that?

New unmanned aircraft systems training programs are springing up across the country. Many are trying to recruit students from the next generation of potential pilots. Learn more information at

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